New Arrivals

Policy of Library Services

Policy of Library Service

The college library has devised different policies through Library Advisory Committee (LAC) that help maintain discipline, make decisions in the library environment, and also ensure that the library's resources are used effectively.

1. Library Membership

Membership of the college library is open to the college students, staff members, and stakeholders of the Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sansth’s Kolhapur. However, outsiders who are interested in the membership of the library shall apply in writing to the Principal and after approval only, the membership will be granted. Online filling of the  Library Membership Form is mandatory for obtaining the membership.

2. I Card and Eligibility

I Cards are issued to the faculty members and students after receiving the application. Students are charged a nominal fee of Rs. 50/- for the card. A user whose card is lost or stolen should be immediately reported to the Library. The fee to replace a lost card is Rs. 115/- This card is a Smart Card with a combination of College ID Card and Library Borrower's Card and can be used for various purposes such as Identification, User's Digital Attendance, and Books Circulation, etc.

3. Usage of Card

Member will not be allowed to use the library facilities in absence of the membership card and not allowed to borrow the library reading material on the card of another member. In case of loss of membership card, it should be reported immediately to the Librarian and a new card will be issued only after approval of the Principal by paying charges of Rs. 115/-

4. Member can loan out library materials as per Library Circulation Policy and accordingly to his/her category: Faculty Member, Student and Stake Holder, etc., and will be responsible for all loans made out in his/her name

5. Borrower is held responsible for damages found in library books when items are returned; He must check and report any damage found in library books before borrowing them. Where an item is lost or damaged, the borrower will be charged for the same

Library General Rules

In order to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for reading, studying and other library activities, the users are requested to comply with the following General Rules:

    At the Entrance:

1. Keep your belongings such as baggage, jackets, umbrellas and other such articles at the property counter

2. Every user who enters the library will have must register his/her presence by showing the smart ID to the 'Digital Attendance System Scanner' located at the circulation counter of the library

    Inside the Library:

1. Silence must be maintained strictly in the library

2. Group discussions, assignments are not allowed in the reading room; it’s for reading only

3. All persons who use the library shall identify themselves on request to any member of the academic or library staff

4. Smoking, eating and speaking on the mobile phone is strictly banned inside the library

5. No unauthorized person shall enter or be in the library for any purpose. Outside students are not permitted to use the library unless there is written permission from the Principal/ Librarian

6. The Library membership may be cancelled or strict action will be taken for an unfair act or any illegal behaviour of the member













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