Department of Microbiology

Research Projects

Title Course code of the component  Academic year Number of students undertaking the project Relevant Document
" Isolation and characterization of Pectinase producing microorganism from soyabean waste soil " DSE1010F2 2019-20 Ms. Nikita Dilip More
"Extraction, characterization and formulation of gel based preparation from liquorice ( Glycyrrhizaglabra) plant DSE1010 F2 2020-21 Ms. Srushti Vilas Angre
"Isolation and characterisation of nonsymbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria isolated from paddy soil" DSE1010 F2 2021-22 Ms.Shrutika Umesh Ayare
"Isolation and ldentification of Endophytic bacteria from garlic " DSE1010 E2 2021-22 Ms. Ashwini Shivaji Khot


 PG  Research Project

Sr.No. Name of Student Title of Project Relevent Document

Rachana Tukaram Powar

 Snehal Sarjerao Misal

Moringa oleifera An Alternative to synthetic Antimicrobials for Human Health

Suhasi Rahul kamble

Vishal Mansing Patil

Sujay Prakash Parase

Formulation of carrier based bacterial inoculant using waste tea powder

Rajashri Prakash Patil

Vaishnavi Vinayak Kokate

Reutilization of nutrient agar media utilized in Microbiology laboratories

Namrata Laxman Bhosale

Ankita Bhanudas Kokate

Formulation of  health drink having antibacterial activity

Harshada A. Panchal

 Ritika R. Ghose

Gaurav J. Patil

Ameliorative effect of salinity stress using plant growth promoting bacteria

Indrayani Rahul Bhandigare

Naziya Rashid Desai

Aditya Dilip Patil

Poultry feather degradation by plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB)

Sonali Gawade

Vaishnavi Ingale
Production of probiotic beverage from finger millets by using lactobacillus spp

Muskan Salim jamadar

Shivam Subhas Katakar

Formulation of organic dhoop and evaluation of its antimicrobial activity for fumigation






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