Extended Profile

1.1. Number of students on rolls year wise during last five years.
i. Provide Links for any other relevant document
ii. Institutional data in the prescribed format (Data Template)
1. 2. Number of final year outgoing student’s year wise during last five years.
i. Provide Links for any other relevant document
ii. Institutional data in the prescribed format (Data Template)
2. 1. Number of full time teachers year wise during the last five years
i. Provide Links for any other relevant document.
ii. Institutional data in the prescribed format (Data Template).
iii. Certified list of full time teachers.
2. 2. Total number of full time teachers worked/working in the institution  (without repeat count) during last five years.
i. Provide Links for any other relevant document
ii Institutional data in the prescribed format.(Data Template)
3. 1. Total expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last five years   (INR in lakhs)
i. Provide Links for any other relevant document.
ii. Upload other files



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