Exam Section

Team Exam

Sr Name Designation Contact E-mail
1 Dr. R. R. Kumbhar Principal & Chief Controller of Examination (Chief COE) (0231) 2658612 vck.information@gmail.com
2 Dr. Ganesh J. Navathe Controller of Examination (COE) 9890220206 navatheganesh@gmail.com
3 Dr. Dipak R. Tupe Deputy Controller of Examination (Deputy COE) 8805282610 dipaktupe1980@gmail.com
4 Dr. Sanjay S. Ankushrao Deputy Controller of Examination (Deputy COE), Nodal Officer (ABC-ID) 9096070345 sanjayankushrao@gmail.com
5 Dr. Vishal B. Waghmare Deputy Controller of Examination (Deputy COE) & MIS Incharge 9860625005 vbwaghmare@vivekanandcollege.ac.in
6 Dr. Govardhan S. Ubale Deputy Controller of Examination (Deputy COE) (Pre-Examination incharge) 8888666195 govardhanu1984@gmail.com
7 Mr. H. V. Chame Senior Supervisor (On-Examination) 9021201936 chameyh155@gmail.com
8 Dr. S. V. Kale (Pre-Examination incharge) 9975453319 somnath.eco555@gmail.com
9 Mr. Shivaji Patil Office Assistant 9764988464 shivajipatil2423@gmail.com 
10 Mr. Jitendra Shinde Office Assistant & Data Entry Operator 9403230562 dataentry@vivekanandcollege.ac.in
11 Mr. Baswaraj Vadrale Peon 9421202521 basavrajvadrale@gmail.com



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