Undergraduate (UG) Courses (NEP) |
Declaration date |
17-12-2024 |
B.Sc. |
16-12-2024 |
B.B.A. |
29-11-2024 |
B.Com |
29-11-2024 |
B.A. |
29-11-2024 |
B.Sc. (Computer Science Entire) |
Declaration date |
05-12-2024 |
B.B.A. |
05-12-2024 |
B.C.A. |
03-12-2024 |
B.Com |
29-11-2024 |
B.Sc. (Computer Science Entire) |
29-11-2024 |
B.Sc. (Biotech Entire) |
29-11-2024 |
B.Sc. |
27-11-2024 |
23-11-2024 |
B.Voc (Photography & Videography) |
23-11-2024 |
B.Voc (Animation and Film Making) |
23-11-2024 |
B.Voc (Graphics Design) |
18-11-2024 |
B.Voc (Foundry Technology) |
Declaration date |
14-02-2025 |
B.B.A. (NON NEP)  |
01-02-2025 |
B.Voc. Foundry Technology (NON NEP) |
31-01-2025 |
B.Sc. (NON NEP) |
31-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Photography (Old Pattern) |
31-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Animation and Film Making (Old Pattern) |
30-01-2025 |
B.A. (Old Pattern) |
30-01-2025 |
B.C.A. (Non NEP) |
30-01-2025 |
B.Sc. Computer Science Entire (Non NEP) |
29-01-2025 |
B.Com (NON NEP) |
28-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Graphic Design (NON NEP) |
28-01-2025 |
B.A. Non NEP |
Declaration date |
01-02-2025 |
B.Voc. Foundry Technology (NON NEP) |
31-01-2025 |
B.A. (NON NEP) |
29-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Animation and Film Making (NON NEP) |
29-01-2025 |
B.C.A. (NON NEP) |
29-01-2025 |
B.Com (NON NEP) |
28-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Graphic Design (NON NEP) |
25-01-2025 |
B.Com |
25-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Photography |
25-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Grpahic Design |
25-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Foundry |
24-01-2025 |
B.Voc. (Animation and Film Making) |
23-01-2025 |
B.B.A. |
23-01-2025 |
B.C.A. |
22-01-2025 |
B.A. |
18-01-2025 |
B.Sc. (Computer Science Entire) |
16-01-2025 |
B.Sc. (Old-Non NEP) |
15-01-2025 |
B.Sc. |
09-01-2025 |
B.Sc. Biotech Entire (NEP 1.0) |
Declaration date |
20-01-2025 |
B.Com |
21-12-2024 |
B.Sc. Biotech Entire(NEP 1.0) |
20-12-2024 |
B.Voc. Foundry(NEP 1.0) |
17-12-2024 |
B.Sc |
17-12-2024 |
B.Voc. (Graphic Design) |
16-12-2024 |
B.B.A. |
11-12-2024 |
B.A. |
11-12-2024 |
B.Sc. Computer Science Entire |
05-02-2025 |
B.C.A. |
Declaration date |
SEM II (Non NEP) |
05-02-2025 |
B.A. |
05-02-2025 |
B.Com. |
05-02-2025 |
B.Sc. |
05-02-2025 |
B.C.A. |
05-02-2025 |
B.B.A. |
Declaration date |
SEM I (NEP 2.0) |
25-01-2025 |
B.Voc (Photography and Videography) |
22-01-2025 |
BHMTS (Hotel Management & Tourism) |
15-01-2025 |
B.Com |
15-01-2025 |
B.Sc. |
26-12-2024 |
B.A. |
14-12-2024 |
B.Sc. Biotech Entire |
14-12-2024 |
B.Sc. Computer Science Entire |
Declaration date |
SEM-I Repeater (NEP 1.0) |
30-01-2025 |
B.A. |
25-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Fundry |
18-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Animation and Film Making |
18-01-2025 |
B.Voc. Graphic Design |
17-01-2025 |
B.Sc. |
17-12-2024 |
B.B.A. (OLD) |
16-12-2024 |
B.B.A. |
14-12-2024 |
B.C.A. |
Declaration date |
SEM-I Repeater (NON NEP) |
15-02-2025 |
B.Sc. Computer Science Entire (NON NEP)  |
15-02-2025 |
B.Voc Foundry Technology (NON NEP)  |
03-02-2025 |
B.A. |
03-02-2025 |
B.Com. |
21-01-2025 |
B.Sc |