Department of Electronics

Students Research or Field Project

Year Name of the component having field project/ Research Project/ Internship  Course Code of the component No.    of students undertaking field project/ Research Project/ Internship  Relevant Document
2023-24 B.Sc. III practical  DSE1005 E1, E2, F1 & F2 16
2022-23 B.Sc. III practical  DSE1005 E1, E2, F1 & F2 18
B.Sc. II practical  DSC1005C & DSC1005D 34
2021-22 B.Sc. III practical DSE1005 E1, E2, F1 & F2 27
2019-20 B.Sc. III practical DSE1005 E1, E2, F1 & F2 18
2018-19 B.Sc. III practical DSE1005 E1, E2, F1 & F2 22



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