Department of BCS

SWOC Analysis of the dept


  1. The department lays strong emphasis on all round personality development of students through extra and co-curricular activities.
  2. Qualified , dedicated, knowledgeable, cooperative ,collaborative and having good communication skills faculty.
  3. The faculty members adopt ICT for teaching and learning.
  4. The Department maintains strong ties with vibrant alumni, who conduct various activities for the students.
  5. Well-equipped lab with internet facilities
  6. Good result and increase in student strength.


  1. Increase collaborative research/projects among the faculty member.
  2. The department has limited academic-industry interaction.
  3. Not many strong publications.
  4. Less focus on research activities of faculty members.
  5. No interdisciplinary activities.


  1. To increase campus placements.
  2. To train students to face entrance tests like MCA, M.Sc. and MBA.
  3. Add-on courses which can supplement existing courses can be increased.


  1. Organization of International Seminar/Conference.
  2. Placing the students.

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