Mapping of PO’s and PSO’s (M.Sc.Physics)
"Education for Knowledge, Science and Culture"
-Shikshanmaharshi Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe
Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha's
Vivekanand College, Kolhapur (Autonomous)
B.Sc. Program (POs)
After successfully completion of B.Sc. program, student able to,
1) Gets the knowledge with facts and figures related to various science subjects in such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Electronics, Computer science, Computer Science Entire(BCS)and life sciences like Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology(Entire and optional) , Microbiology and Geography and most of the students are getting jobs through placements in different sectors.
2) Compulsory English language course for first and third year of the program, improve the language skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing of all students. Also it helped the students to develop better communication skills in English.
3) The motto behind the Environmental Science as compulsory course for second year to get awareness and importance of environment like natural resources, basic principles of ecosystem functioning, environmental pollution, human population and environment to the students.
4) Compulsory Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) for second and third year of the program,enhance student skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing in laboratory experiments there by leading to accuracy and validity of the practical knowledge. Further develop the skills of observations and drawing logical inferences from the scientific experiments among the students.
5) Students imbibed ethical, moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality due to Soft Skill Course (SSC) which is compulsory for first and third year of the program. Student realized that pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong activity and in combination with untiring efforts and positive attitude and other necessary qualities leads towards a successful life.
6) Compulsory inter disciplinary Value Added Course for the student during the program realized the knowledge of the student of subjects in other faculties such as humanities, performing arts; social sciences etc. effectively influence positive attitude and other necessary qualities leads towards a successful life.
7) Due to the interdisciplinary approach of practical course student enabled scientific data critically, understood the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and the scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevancies in the day-to-day life systematically. It develops scientific outlook and societal outreach not only with respect to science subjects but also in all aspects related to life. Student can be able to think creatively and propose novel ideas or providing new solution to the problems for the sustainable developments.